
by mobage

Juegos de rol


Sound Director: Nobuo Uematsu, Character Design: Minaba Hideo.nLet Tabidato now on an adventure that unfolds in gorgeous voice and magnificent music.

想像を超えるクオリティではじめる本格スマホRPG。 サウンドディレクター:植松伸夫、キャラクターデザイン:皆葉英夫。 壮大な音楽と豪華なボイスで繰り広げられる冒険に今旅立とう。【サービス提供者】株式会社CygamesFull-scale smartphone RPG start with quality more than imagination. Sound Director: Nobuo Uematsu, character design: Hideo Minaba. Let Tabidato now on an adventure that unfolds in the magnificent music and luxurious voice.[Service providers]Co., Ltd. Cygames